Global Leaders in Real Estate Summit
On October 23, 2019, member Adam R. Sanders moderated a panel discussion during The Global Leaders in Real Estate Summit which brought together a collection of luminaries in the industry. Several keynote speakers discussed their thoughts on the overall US Economy and how that relates to Real Estate in NYC, domestically and internationally. Panel discussions focused on a range of topics from Macro views of the US as a whole, to Micro views of NYC in particular.
Adam lead a discussion which focused on Strategies for Uncovering Hidden Returns in Core Properties with speakers from Northwood Investors and Cortland. The major themes uncovered during the panel are that Multi-Family is still king, Retail is troubled but is evolving, and outside of NYC, Office is still providing yield in secondary cities. Investors and Developers are seeing challenges due to new legislation and regulations, in addition to wage pressure and taxes. This is going to cause smart investors to continue to look into secondary and non-gateway cities in order to find the yield that they are looking for.