LOFT LAW ALERT: Filing date further extended

by | Apr 14, 2020 | Industry Updates

Dear Clients,

Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Orders 202.8 and 202.14, the New York City Loft Board (the “Loft Board”) has further extended the filing deadline for documents until May 7, 2020. A copy of the Loft Board’s updated COVID-19 service notice is linked.

In addition, in response to the public health crisis caused by COVID-19, the Loft Board proposed the following temporary revisions to its rules (“Temporary Rules”).

  • Electronic Filing – All documents, together with proof of service on the affected party if required, may be served on the Loft Board by email at [email protected].
  • Signatures – Original signature requirements have been waived. The Loft Board will accept documents with electronic, PDF or facsimile signatures.
  • Service on Affected Parties – All documents may be served on affected parties by email if the recipient has provided a valid email address and consents to service by email. Proof of service by email consists of a copy of a delivery receipt from an email server indicating that the email was delivered to the recipient’s email address.
  • Fees – The Loft Board does not accept electronic or credit card payments. A fee must be paid by check or money order and can be either (i) hand delivered to the Loft Board’s drop box in the lobby of 280 Broadway, New York, New York, on Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. or (ii) sent by mail to the Loft Board’s office at NYC Loft Board, 280 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, New York 10007. Applications filed electronically will be deemed filed on the date that the Loft Board receives the fee for the application.
  • Narrative Statement Conferences – The Loft Board will not hold any narrative statement until the emergency declaration for New York City is lifted.

The foregoing changes were unanimously approved by the Loft Board on April 13, 2020. The Temporary Rules will remain in effect for 60 Days from the date of publication in the City Register.

Please contact the undersigned attorneys at Rosenberg & Estis, PC if you have any questions regarding the Temporary Rules or if we can be of any assistance with any other matters.


Jason R. Davidson, Luise A. Barrack and Anthony J. Virga